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Hello all, I'm trying to locate some parts including a rebuilt engine and seats, for example. Does anyone know of any reputable specialists who rebuild/resell Haflinger parts?Thanks!
Könnet mir bitte jemand einen Plan für die Kabelbaum VERLEGUNG zukommen lassen
und noch eine frage gibt es eine Plan für den selbst bau einer Anhänge Vorrichtung
VLG Hans Huber aus dem Salzburger Flachgau ;-)
Hi I am starting a build of a haflinger I would appreciate any assistance. I'm from South Africa
I am a former owner of a Haflinger and am trying to track down the current owner.
The particular Haflinger had a Toyota 600 conversion and a fully re-built body. I sold it along with another original one whilst in the middle of a divorce and have regretted it ever since. I am interested in the Toyota model as it is of significant sentimental value to me. dale [at] realtimeinternational [dot] com [dot] au
I rode in and briefly drove a Haflinger in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada during the summer of 1968. I found its ability to deal with uneven ground to be exceptional, and have always wondered why more were not purchased in Canada.
A non-tech friend has a 1964 Haflinger 4 wheel drive, long wheel base model. He wishes to sell it, and asked me to look for contacts on the web.
He's on a ranch east of Show Low, Arizona, USA. It runs, has a full canopy in excellent condition. For more information, contact John at 928 537-4475.
Very well done, careful edited and easy to read page. As a child i was fascinated by the haflinger, and still am, because ist an outstanding car.
The page gives a good overview, leaving no questions.
good luck
Markus Lücke
Hello in the late eighties i bought two brand new ex royal navy hafs from the motor auctions in bristol complete with aircraft tow bars. one haf i used extensively round the shows for a few years the other a friend had and used for trials. they were both mark two with p t o and no passenger footwells. i regret selling them now but i have recently purchased an early mark one off of haflinger technik the haf bug never goes away.
Hi Constantin have finally purchaced Haflinger i spoke to you about some months ago.
Details ..Baujahr--7-1974 Mot. Nr 5367641--Fahrgest.nr. 5367641
Just completed Bay To Birdwood rally.South Australia,5000 kl. round trip from N.S.W. by trailer.
Regards Bruce
Good day. Gilbert here from Manila, Philippines. I actually just learned about the Haflinger today when I joined the local VW car club on a treffen run to one opf our senior member's farm lot. When we got there, I was surprised to see an odd, but very interesting looking jeep/truck. It was just then when I found out about the Haflinger. The truck is in semi-deteriorated state as it has been parked out in the open for years. But being a vintage car enthusiast I can still see the potential of the Hafi through the rust and moss all over it. Anyway, I just arrived home from the treffen and decided to do a quick Google search for some background information on this strange little truck. That's how I stumbled upon this website of yours. Anyway, I'm still smiling from ear to ear from seeing this wonderful vehicle for the first time in person. Hopefully this also won't be the last. I'll share some photos later this evening after I get some rest. Hoping to learn more and possibly share some information with the rest of the Haflinger enthusiasts are here.
Gilbert Chan
Manila, Philippines