does anyone know of a haflinger for sale or if anyone is wanting to sell a haflinger?
I love the little puch haflinger
I have an old Haffie for sale - sadly I realised I will never fix her up..Anyone interested can contact me please - 083 250 8995 - not in good shape but maybe someone needs parts?
where will i be able to get cv joints for a puch ? ive got the small 500c puch and its been standing for years and now im rebuilding it.
I have a steyr puch haflinger engine for sale wich is in good running order if anyone is interrested. It is fitted with the Weber carb and mechanical governor.
I have scanned the whole spare parts manual into pdf format
We have recently acquired a '64 Haflinger. Included was a full workshop manual, operation manual, maintenance manual and some magazine articles on the vehicle. If I can assist anyone with info required, please contact me on email.
does any body have a service manual that can be down loaded in pdf format or hard copy for the haflinger got two im working on at the moment
Hi, I'm lucky, I found a 1969 model on a farm in the western Cape , no rust and in a very original state. The 4 speed g-box needs atetion though, so if anybody knows about a box, please contact me. I've some suspension spare parts available. I'm also looking for parts and service books.
Having lived in Lesotho I grew up in the world of 4x4 vehicles I thus would relish the oppertunity of requiring one to rebuild Should you know as to the where abouts of a rebuildable one please contact me
I saw my first Haflinger during my National Military Service in Namibia. They took me for a spin and I was hooked on it. During 2009 I was lucky enough to get hold of one. It was licenced and I hope to get it on the road within a few weeks.Still very original, the tires were made in the Union of South Africa - in other words before 1961.
I was introduced to the Haflinger in 1963 when I worked in Leribe (Hlotse) Lesotho. We went to the diamond mines that belonged to Jack Scott in those days at a place called Kao near the Malimabatsu river. The Haflinger although slow climbed the terrible road like a mountain goat. I have never forgotten the experience and have always longed to have a 4x4 as light and versatile as the Haflinger. I couldn't get over the power from a little 2 cylinder engine and it had diff lock! Marvelous.