Special Topics
This directory is dedicated to special topics of the Haflinger history. Beside the MIVA, I plan to put some interesting information about expeditions with the Haflinger here.
Erwin and Grete Holzmann
The adventurous journeys of Erwin and Margarethe Holzmann from St. Veit an der Glan.
Atacama Expedition 1961
The Haflinger as a support vehicle for the Atacama Expedition 1961.
Karakorum-Himalaya 1964
The Haflinger as a support vehicle for the Karakorum-Himalaya Expedition 1964.
Haflingers which were Exported through the Austrian organization MIVA.
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At the moment, there exist 2 comments for this page.
Hello to all, I just purchased a mobile welder and its powered by a Steyr Puch engine the welder is a Eiln plate says 1965, I put fresh fuel in and new battier and it fired up soon as fuel got in and the last Owen said it not been used for the last 10 years
great site, hoping to buy one soon. (in US) saw one and can use on the farm and go to town...thanks for the great web site!