Haflinger near Yuntai Mountain Geo-Park
This picture shows a Haflinger in a small automobile museum near Yuntai Mountain Geo-Park in Henan Province in China. Thanks Gary Todd (and Tiziano Pizzagalli) for the picture. The Haflinger must be around 1965 year of make.
I don't know if this vehicle was is an original import to China, but at least the left hand drive indicates that it is not from Japan or Hong Kong. If someone is travelling to Yuntai Mountain, that would be a good possibility to collect more
information about the Haflinger shown!
Das Foto links zeigt einen Haflinger in einem kleinen Automobilmuseum in der Nähe des Yuntai Mountain Geo-Park in der Henan Provinz in China. Danke Gary Todd (und Tiziano Pizzagalli) für das Bild. Der Haflinger muss
etwa Baujahr 1965 sein. Ich weiß leider nicht, ob es sich bei dem Fahrzeug um einen original nach China exportierten Haflinger handelt, aber die Linkslenkung spricht zumindes dafür, dass es sich nicht um ein Fahrzeug
aus Japan oder Hong Kong handelt. Falls jemand den Yuntai Mountain bereist, wäre es eine tolle Gelegenheit, mehr Informationen über diesen Haflinger zu sammeln!
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not less than 20 new haflinger import to China between 60s-early70s through Hong Kong,
you can see some haflinger's big brother in China too, some 6x6.all impost at 70s through Hong Kong for Army in China.
Today some collector by the haflinger through a 4wd co in Hong Kong. Below is the 4wd Co web www.4wdco.com you can see some nice 700 AP.